Sunday, July 24, 2011

Focus on Prayer

Introduction to the Lesson: Each of the children was given a large index card. On the index card they were instructed to draw a picture of someone that they could be praying for today and in the upcoming week. On the back of the card, the children wrote the name of the person. Together we shared and prayed for each of these individuals.

Prayer Time: Prayer was a big focus of our Sunday school hour today. However, we focus a lot on prayer, probably more than usual for a children’s Sunday school class. Each week one child takes the prayer requests and writes them on the white board. Every child has the opportunity to share requests each week. Today we talked about how we cannot only pray for these requests on Sunday but every day of the week.

Snack Time: Today the children had pretzels and fruit snacks.

Bible Study: Acts 12:5-19 (The Church Prayed for Peter)
Today I read aloud Acts 12:5-19 to the children. We stopped and discussed the text. At the end of the reading, the children read and responded to previously printed questions.

Lesson Extension: I have to admit that I do Sunday school on a budget. As a result of this, there was not a craft idea that I could think of for this week. In place of a craft, the children played “basketball.” They were given review questions printed in the Life Way leader guide for June, July, and August. The children took turns answering questions from each of the three weeks so far in July. I was extremely impressed by how much they remember about the gospel.

Next Week: We will be reading, talking, and praying more about missionaries!

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