Thursday, December 23, 2010

Introducing the Lesson

How do you introduce the topic?

On Sundays the children can always make an accurate prediction as to what the Bible lesson will be! As soon as they enter the door to the Sunday school classroom, they are already learning! The instructor’s guide that my church purchases offers lots of unique games and activities for children to complete. However, I find that games do not always work as an introduction activity. The reason for this is that all of the children do not show up for Sunday school at the same time. I usually find myself creating my own activity that children can work on independently. They can also tag a friend when he/she comes in the door to work with. The activities that I often use are coloring sheets (which can become repetitive and boring at times), word searches (the kids love these, just limit the amount of words for your age group), and last week (12/19) we played Bingo. The first portion of the introduction to the story was used for the children to place 25 words from the Bible story on their Bingo card. The kids loved playing Bingo, and earning prizes! I used this as a “special” introduction activity since it was new. Plus, it was right before Christmas.

How do you introduce the lesson to your Sunday school class?

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