Sunday, December 26, 2010

Today We Learned About the Three Wise Men

Introduction to the Lesson: The children completed a worship worksheet. On the worksheet they were asked to identify five places that they could worship, and five ways that they could worship. After they were finished, the children shared their answers aloud. It was amazing to see how they used the ways and places that they worship to share with others. I had one child who immediately wrote “home” on the list of places to worship. I am so excited to see that she comes from a home that is on fire for the Lord.

Prayer Request/Praise Time: Each Sunday we have a prayer request/praise time. A child is in charge of writing the prayer request on the whiteboard. After all of the children have been given the opportunity to share I pray for these requests. Today I was super excited about a teachable moment during this time. A child had suggested that we prayer that we tell more people about Jesus. I was able to then share with the children that every day I pray that I am a good witness to others, and tell others about Jesus when the opportunity arises. I also told the children that I pray that every day that I have an attitude that would be glorifying to God.

Bathroom Break: This is new for the Sunday school year. We used to have a classroom right next to the bathroom. This allowed the children to go on an as needed basis. However, this year, the bathroom is further away from our room. The children enjoy this time because every week I choose one child to be the line leader (engine) and another child to be the caboose.

Snack Time: During snack time, the children shared the Bible verses that they wrote down in their journals this week. They also enjoyed eating a special snack, Pop Tarts.

Lesson Time: The children and I read Matthew 2:1-12. During the scripture reading I stop frequently to ask comprehension questions. After the lesson, the children answer questions that are provided within the leader guide. The questions range from general comprehension to life application.

Game Time: Today the children and I played a small game. We are in a rather small classroom it is not always feasible to play games, however, today the children enjoyed a game that I adapted from the leader guide. It was based on the three gifts (Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh) that the wise men brought to baby Jesus. During the course of the game the children had to shake hands with one another, jump up and down, and spin in circles. This was all while I was yelling out commands which were each of the gifts. They absolutely loved this game.

Craft Time/Lesson Extension Time: The children each received a half sheet of construction paper. They folded the paper so that they had four spots. The children then labeled them “who,” “what,” “when,” and “where.” They then had to identify these parts from the story and either write or draw a picture representation. I let the children have options because I know that some do not like to draw and others do not like to write.

Departure: The Bible verse journals are multifunctional. The children use these to not only write their verses inside, but also as a place to store their take home sheets. These sheets help to reinforce the lesson at home. They also are great to use if a child finishes his or her craft time/lesson extension time early.

Here are some tips for what you can do with your child this week at home:
1. Re-read Matthew 2:1-12 with your child
2. Ask your child questions about the scripture
3. Complete the take home sheet with your child
4. Talk about worship with your child
5. Pray with your child

1 comment:

Nikki said...

I remember K telling me she like dhte game!